2018년 11월 3일 토요일

안전밸브의 간략한 역사

안전밸브 전문 기업 조광밸브 김현범입니다.

압력방출장치인 안전밸브의 역사에 대해 먼저 알아보는 시간을 가지겠습니다.제가 한때 자주 보았고 많은 참조가 되었던 안전밸브 핸드북에 기재되어 있는 글을 발췌하여 옮겨 적었습니다.업무에 꼭 필요한 부분은 아니라고 생각하지만, 참조하는 정도로봐주시면 좋을 것 같습니다.

● 안전밸브의 간략한 역사
Safety valves have been around since the 1600s with more or less the same design concept as is used today. It is believed that Papin, a Frenchman, was the inventor of the safety valve, which he first applied in about 1682 to his digester. Papin kept the safety valve closed by means of a lever and movable weight. Sliding the weight along the lever kept the valve in place and regulated the steam pressure (Fig. 1.1). It is supposed that Papin was the inventor of the improvements to safety valves that were used by Glauber, a German.

Glauber contributed many scientific ideas to mechanical engineering. In his treatise on furnaces, translated into English in 1651, he described the modes by which he prevented retorts and stills from bursting from excessive pressure. He fitted a conical valve which was air-tight to its seat and loaded with a "cap of lead." When the vapor pressure increased, it slightly raised the valve and a portion of vapor escaped. Then the valve closed itself, "being pressed down by the loaded cap," which kept it closed.
 Later this idea was followed by others. John French published the following statements about the action of such a safety valve: "Upon the top of a stubble (valve) there may be fastened some lead, that if the sprit be too strong, it will only heave up the stubble and let it fall down. "The word steam was unknown at that time. In these old books, words such as vapor, spirit, or smoke were used instead of the modern woreds gas and steam.
 In the United States, there were 1700 boiler explosions resulting in 1300 deaths during the 5 years between 1905 and 1911. On September 15, 1911, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) appointed a seven-member Boiler Committee to establish specifications for contruction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. In November 1914, an 18-member Advisory Committee was appointed. On December 14, 1914, the Boiler Committe and the Advisory Committee started preparation of a final draft. Thr first ASME code, Rules for Construction of Stationary Boilers and Allowable Working Pressures, known as the 1914 Edition, was adopted in the spring of 1915.

- 이 글을 발췌한 참고문헌 _ Pressure Relief Devices ASME AND API CODE SIMPLIFIED- 저자 _ Mohammad A. Malek

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